APHoMSA Strategy 2022-2026
Our Vision
To promote safe, secure shipping and a clean maritime environment within the Asia-Pacific region
Download APHoMSA Strategy 2022-2026 (PDF)
Five pillars of APHoMSA |
Regional Cooperation |
Protecting the Marine Environment |
Safety at Sea, including Seafarer Welfare |
Maritime Incident Response |
Women in Maritime |
Our Goals
- Increase regional cooperation on maritime issues
- Provide a regional voice on matters of mutual interest at the relevant international and regional organizations
- Develop a coordinated approach to technical cooperation activities
- Implement a coordinated approach towards achieving SDG5 Gender Equality in the maritime sector
- Strengthen regional marine environment protection arrangements
- Build regional marine pollution prevention capabilities (implementation and enforcement)
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships
- Improve safety of shipping
- Ensure seafarers’ living and working conditions meet international standards
- Strengthen regional cooperation for emergency response, including SAR and preparedness and response to marine pollution
- Encourage members to fully implement IMO liability and compensation Conventions for marine pollution incidents
- Increase visibility and leadership of women in the maritime sector
- Recognise the contribution of women in the maritime sector
- Identify and address barriers to women’s equal participation in the maritime community
Our Approaches
Identify and promote equal capacity building opportunities by:
- Maintaining a consolidated list of technical cooperation activities planned by Member States and Observer organizations to
- Inform Member States of capacity building opportunities in the region
- Assist agencies and organisations delivering capacity building activities to identify partner agencies to support existing regional activities
- Facilitate access to activities for women in the maritime sector in the region
- Identifying and sharing regional expertise
Build capacity of member states and enhance collaboration of national authorities in responding to:
- Future maritime trends by ensuring coordination and active participation in developing new technologies and implementing test-beds and full scale projects
- Maritime incidents through collaborative programmes, for example joint exercise, sharing of best practices and expertise
- Climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships
Provide a regular forum to:
- Exchange information on emerging regional trends, potential risks, and progress on gender equity and equality
- Exchange information on emerging regional trends, potential risks, and progress on gender equity and equality
- Foster person-to-person links between maritime agencies in the Asia-Pacific region
Encourage intersessional engagement by:
- Developing agreements among national authorities and regional organisations
- Establishing correspondence groups to explore solutions to key issues and report to Members
- Support professional women in maritime associations
Establish links with other relevant international and regional organisations by:
- Maintaining APHoMSA’s standing invitations to specialist maritime organisations as observers at APHoMSA forums
- Meeting annually and undertaking intersessional work as required
- Submitting papers to the IMO and other fora
- Sharing information/expertise with these organisations, as required